Exercising Helps In Treating Diabetes Sufferers

Exercise is often recommended in the treatment of type-1 (insulin dependent) and type-2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes both as a stand-alone activity and in combination with diet and drug therapy. For those who rely too much on drugs, exercise cannot replace drugs, but it contributes to normalizing glucose metabolism. Exercise helps diabetic patients in many ways. Exercise regularly helps to control weight easily. Blood sugar level which is a major concern for all diabetics, decrease due to exercise. Additionally, exercise reduces the probability of heart disease, which is also very widely spread among diabetic sufferers.

Also, regular exercise helps in improving one’s overall condition and thus reduces the risk of long-term complications. Regular exercise can prevent diabetes even in those who have not yet developed it but are susceptible to it. Despite the countless benefits of exercise, don’t underestimate the risks. Let your doctor decide whether it is recommended for you to exercise and if yes, what type of exercise would be less risky. One of the dangers for diabetes sufferers is that exercise can alter your response to insulin or cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels, which is another risk for you. In addition to general exercise advice, there are some tips that are especially important for diabetics to follow. It is necessary for them to wear comfortable shoes and clothes because having a single blister on the foot can cause serious infection that requires time and medication to heal. Special attention should be paid to drinking sufficient water and any type of liquid to avoid dehydration. Dehydration occurs during exercise because the liquid evaporates to keep the body cool and if you do not drink water while exercising, you will become dehydrated, which is bad for your blood sugar level. 

So, what type of exercise is recommended? Exercise can be any physical activity, from cleaning the house to climbing stairs regularly to strength training. It all depends on the physical condition. Typically, household chores that take 30 minutes a day and do not require much effort reduce the need for daily insulin and are risk free. In addition, many doctors usually recommend aerobic exercises walking, jogging, cycling or aerobics. If you have problems with nerves in the legs or feet then chair exercise, cycling or swimming may be a wise option as they do not strain the lower limbs. If you do not have the problems with lower limbs then you can start walking or jogging.

In case, if you have any query or concern related to any health related problems, you may directly associate to Hashmi Dawakhana, by just a click on hyperlink and get answers to all your questions. We will be happy to assist you.

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