What is Flu & How to cure it?

This segment includes contents are –

  • Flu Symptoms
  • Flu Complications
  • Flu Diagnosis
  • Flu Treatment

What is common Flu –?

The flu is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus, which affects the upper and lower respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs, etc.). For most patients, the flu is a minor inconvenience, but if not treated properly, it can easily turn into a life-threatening illness.

Who is most at risk for the flu?

Certain segments of the population are at higher risk for the flu and its complications, including –

  1. Effects on adults over 65 years of age
  2. Effects on children under 5 years of age
  3. Effects on pregnant women
  4. Effects on women up to two weeks postpartum
  5. Effects on people with weakened immune systems
  6. Effects on people with certain chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes
  7. Effects on heart disease, and kidney disease.
  8. Effects on overweight people.

What are the common symptoms of flu -?

Here are the main symptoms of flu such as-

  • Headache
  • Severe body aches
  • Fatigue and weakness lasts for 21 to 25 days.
  • Extreme fatigue in the first few days
  • Chest pain with or without coughing
  • Feeling cold and sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever over 100.4. C
  • Flu patients may also experience nasal congestion, sneezing, and a sore throat, among other effects.

Complications from the flu –

High-risk people can develop serious complications from the flu, including—

  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma flare-up
  • Bronchitis
  • Ear infections
  • A sinus infection
  • Heart problems
  • Dehydration and others

How is the flu diagnosed? –

Urgent situation physicians have several flu tests available to help diagnose the influenza virus, For example –

Role of Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test (RIDT) – These detect virus antigens that are responsible for provoking an immune response in the body. Results are available in about 15-18 minutes.

Role of Rapid Molecular Assays – These tests are more accurate than RIDT as they detect the genetic material of the virus. Rapid molecular test results are available in 18-25 minutes.

Role of Diagnostic Laboratory Test – This type of diagnostic test needs to be performed in a full service diagnostic laboratory, the results are highly accurate and sensitive.
All flu tests are done by swabbing the inside of the nose or the back of the throat to collect a sample, which is then tested for the flu virus.

Treatments for flu given here include-
Effect of Antiviral Medication – This course of treatment needs to be administered within the first 36-48 hours of flu symptoms and will reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.
Analgesic effect – It is used to reduce severe physical pain associated with the flu.

Effect of decongestants – If the patient is suffering from severe congestion that is affecting his ability to breathe, our doctors will prescribe decongestants.
Here are the complications from flu treatment options – let’s take a look.

Complications of the flu vary in severity and depending on the complication our doctor will decide the best course of treatment which may include – for example
Role of Antibiotics – Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. Therefore, they are ineffective in treating flu. However, antibiotics are recommended for patients with pneumonia, ear infections, or sinus infections.

Role of nebulization – This treatment is recommended for patients who experience asthma flare-ups or severe congestion that makes it difficult for them to breathe.
Role of IV Fluids – Patients may be dehydrated due to the flu; our centers are equipped with IV fluid drips to replenish lost fluids.

Bottom line –
When should you seek medical help?
Get emergency medical help immediately if you or someone you know experiences any of the following – For example
The role of importunate fever – A fever that lasts for 3 or more days or that goes away only to return may be a sign of infection.
The role of Severe pain while swallowing – This may be a sign of strep throat.
Role of importunate Cough – A cough that lasts longer than two weeks or produces thick phlegm should be evaluated by a doctor as it may be a sign of bronchitis.
Role of shortness of breath or chest pain – Shortness of breath and chest pain are not symptoms associated with the flu.

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