Is Flaxseed (Alsi) safe to use during pregnancy? – How

When any woman wants to have a baby, planning begins, many people who are pregnant crave ice cream and pickles, and for many these is true, but others in their pregnancy diet. Add more nutritious options – like natural seeds. Flax seeds can be added to your diet during pregnancy. But we don’t know much about the effects of this super food on your growing baby. What are flaxseed and flaxseed oil? Importance of Flaxseed Plant – Flaxseed is obtained from the flaxseed plant. This flowering plant has many functions, including commercial uses, such as fiber spun into linen and production of paint. You can eat seeds in many forms. Flaxseeds can be: like Use left full Use ground food. Use processed flaxseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil. Flax seeds are high in fiber and protein, making them a popular food choice for people who want to eat more nutrients and improve their health. Important discussion on advantages or disadvantages – Are Flaxseed and Flaxseed Oil Safe in Pregnancy? There are c...