All You Need To Know About The Science Of Erection

An erection occurs when the penis is filled with blood and becomes hard. The penis has 2 main chambers that run along the top of the penis shaft. This area, corpora cavernosa, is composed of spongy tissue, veins, arteries, spaces, and smooth muscles that hold flowing blood. Erection occurs when more blood flows to the penis and less blood flows. The erection process is completely normal and can occur at any time throughout the day. Most healthy men have erections during REM-Rapid Eye Movement sleep (sleep time when dreams occur). Also, erections while awake are a sign of good penis health. Usually, erections occur during physical stimulation or imagination, but other things can cause it to occur. Such reasons include pressure on the genital area and pressure from the bladder on the need to urinate.

For an erection to occur, some kind of stimulation stimulates the nerves of the brain and penis. They tell the smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa to stop the blood going in and the blood coming out. This increases the size of the penis. As the penis gets larger in length and girth, it is natural for it to be raised at an angle. This angle is usually anywhere from parallel to the floor, pointing almost directly upwards. Sometimes men get tensed and unable to get an erection. It is just the body’s way of dealing with stress (or the “fight-or-flight” response). Worrying about a small penis size or having an unattractive partner can make it impossible for a man to maintain an erection.

Other things that affect erections are: how much sleep a man gets, how active he is, and in general, age causes changes in hormone levels such as testosterone.

Erection problems:

  • If a man cannot maintain an erection for 25% of the time, he may have erectile dysfunction or ED. Treatment of erectile dysfunction may include penile injections, vacuum pumps, surgery, prosthetic devices, Viagra, hormone therapy, counseling, and natural penis exercises.
  • Some of these methods try to help a man physically to get an erection, while others improve his sex drive so that he can perform better.
  • Stimulations are not required for methods such as injection, prosthetic devices, and vacuum pumps, as they are based on an automatic response.
  • Other methods such as pills and natural exercises improve blood flow to the penis, and make erections possible on sexual arousal. Some pills work every time you take them, while others work for long-lasting benefits.
  • Regular erections are a natural part of good male sexual health. The ability to get an erection tends to decline with age, but there are some things men can do to improve themselves.
  • With modern methods like surgery, consultation, pills and even exercise, erection problems can be cured forever.

In case, if you have any query or concern related to any health related problems, you may directly associate to Hashmi Dawakhana, by just a click on hyperlink and get answers to all your questions. We will be happy to assist you.

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