Male Enhancement Treatment of Impotence with PXXL Capsule

Erectile dysfunction is the most usually experienced sexual problem amongst men. PXXL capsule is introduced as a prescription medication for this condition. Read below to learn more about this medication.

Sexual problems have become a common occurrence amongst men. Unlike other medical problems, sexual problems not only affect a man physically but also psychologically. A sexual problem often causes a man to lead a dissatisfactory sex life. Sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction, lack of sexual desire or low sex drive and problems related to orgasm. Erectile dysfunction is the most usual experienced sexual problem in men around the world. Impotence, as this condition is commonly referred to as, makes it difficult for a man to achieve or sustain an erection during sexual intercourse.

Causes of ImpotenceMen commonly experience erectile problems because of physical and psychological factors.

Physical Factors: These may cause erectile dysfunction in men usually include the followings.

  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Smoking
  • Excessive intake of alcohol
  • Injury in the spinal cord or nervous system

Psychological Factors: Listed below are the psychological factors that may cause erectile problems in men.

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Sexual boredom
  • Anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Conflicts with the partner and unresolved issues pertaining to sexual orientation.

Treatment of Impotence: Erectile dysfunction may be treated with the help of many treatment options that are available on the market. The different methods introduced for treating impotence include penile implants, injection therapy, topical medications, vacuum pumps and oral medications. In these methods, oral medications have been the most popular and effective treatment method for men. Several prescription medications have been introduced into the market for helping men to treat their erectile problems. The oral medication that introduced as a treatment for erectile dysfunction is PXXL capsule by Hashmi Healthcare Company.

PXXL capsule was manufactured with the intention of treating men suffering from erection problems. When some of the men taken the PXXL capsule who had volunteered for the clinical trials of the drug suffered from erectile dysfunction, they experienced a significant improvement in their condition. Then PXXL Capsule was introduced as a prescription capsule for impotence. It works by relaxing the corpora cavernosa in the penis. As these muscles relax, they result in blocking the veins responsible for draining out the blood from your penis. As the veins get blocked, it causes an increase in the blood flow to the penis. The increase in blood flow causes penis to expand, resulting in an erection. It is required to take one capsule approximately for 30 to 60 minutes so as to enjoy a satisfactory sexual intercourse. Man may experience the effectiveness of the capsule for up to four hours after taking it.

In case, if you have any query or concern related to any health related problems, you may directly associate to Hashmi Dawakhana, by just a click on hyperlink and get answers to all your questions. We will be happy to assist you.

If you feel in your life any sexual weakness or physical weakness, don't panic and don't worry, about we are always with you. Freely talk to Dr. Hashmi, and get your problem solution confidienciealy. Write to us or make a call at Hashmi Dawakahana, Amroha in Uttar Pradesh for a better assessment. For more information visit – and 


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