Immune System And Infertility Male Enhancement

Immune system has a vital role in fertility. An immune system that is quite hostile and attacks anything it might deem. However, it is supposed to guard our bodies but it may turn against us at the most untimely intervals. It plays an essential role in our lives and we don’t expect it to inhibit our chances of becoming pregnant. However, this could be a possibility.

The immune system is designed to take care of your body. Your Lymphatic system’s job is to attack on viruses or bacteria. It has a multi-layer defense that fights invading microbes and foreign intruders. It can distinguish between normal cells and alien cells. It can trigger an inflammatory response and it can retain the memory of a foreign body and repel it again when it returns. The immune system can break down though, and this can leave us vulnerable to infection. Alternatively, it could turn against our own healthy tissue. The dysfunction of the defensive system of the body could result in infertility when it interferes with the normal reproductive process. An immune factor could be involved in about 20%-25% of couples who have otherwise unexplained infertility. Although many of these associations with infertility are still unproven, there is evidence that the formation of antibodies against sperm is an important infertility factor.

The immune system, in rare cases, might attack anything that does not occur in the body normally. A male’s immune system could create antibodies for his own sperm. In this case, the sperm is mistaken for an invading pathogen so they are actively sought to be destroyed. This obviously has an effect on fertility. In some instances, the anti-sperm antibodies could prevent the sperm from properly travelling through the woman’s cervical mucus. This could impair the sperm from fusing to the egg. Plus it could inhibit the sperm’s ability to penetrate the egg. Although this is rare, it is important that some men are more at risk of developing antibodies.

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