Premature Ejaculation – Men’s Health problems

What is Premature Ejaculations?

Premature ejaculation is a well-known men’s health problem. Ejaculation is premature if it happens within one minute of go with bed the partner.

While it might work for some but usually is a subject of distress for most people, recent studies of MCI suggested that around 25-35% of men agree to have faced the problem once in their lifespan. But nobody talk about this problem.

Premature ejaculation can occur for different reasons, and a sexologist can help reach the correct cause that makes the treatment more successful.

Reason of Premature Ejaculation –

Premature ejaculation can happen due to a number of causes, and the main reasons are natural or psychosomatic. They can be categorized as follows:-

Psychosomatic reasons –

Different types of mental blocks and issues can lead to premature ejaculation problems. Some important things.

  • Depression
  • Tension
  • Guilt
  • Performance anxiety
  • Low confidence
  • History of sexual exploitation
  • Emotional problems
  • Relationship difficulties

Natural reasons –

Chemical Imbalance –

Premature ejaculation can be a result of low serotonin levels. It also could occur due to abnormal levels of prolactin in our body.

Responsive Skin –

Oversensitive skin of the penis can reason hyper-excitement. Before time excitement can fasten the method and make a man ejaculate early in sexual interaction.

Infection – Infection or soreness of the prostate or urethra can also lead to premature ejaculation.

Genetic –Genetic predilection can make some men prone to sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation.

Weak Muscles – One of the most important point Weaker pelvic muscles can lead to loss of ejaculation control.

How many types of Premature Ejaculation-

Premature Ejaculation can be two types.

Permanent – Refers to the condition when a person noticed early ejaculation during the first sexual meet and has not better since.

Present time – On the opposing, it is when a person had control more ejaculation in the past but has been facing early ejaculation lately. It could be due to mental or physical restrictions.

Remedy –

Premature ejaculation cure in India is done with a mix up of behavioral and physical cure modalities.

Different cure therapy is as follows:-

Behavioral Treatment -​Practicing these techniques can help determine the ejaculation timings.


Kegel Exercises – Weak pelvic level muscles can also be the cause behind premature ejaculation. Regular exercise can help make stronger the muscles.

Medical cure-

An expert prescribes medication if necessary. The medicines are given after a thorough check-up. Please do not take self-medicate.

The treatment of premature ejaculation is needy on several factors. The best cure for premature ejaculation is available at Hashmi Dawakhana  Amroha, in Uttar pradesh.


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